Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Battle of the Fleas

I do not understand how such a tiny little jerk can be so hard to kill. We offically waged war on them in June and they are still here! Kind of like terrorists. Actually, they are ALOT like terrorists! They hide, and we cannot find them. They sneak onto our land unnoticed. They breed and form terror cells on our dogs. The only difference is that there is no apparent leader named Osama Blood-Sucking-Flea Hussein Bin Laden. Maybe I should start listening for high pitched prayer calls. We have had the yard sprayed and used every shampoo/spray/spot treatment there is and they will not leave. Our neighbor has a large dog that lives outside...and I'm sure they hop off of him and onto our little dogs. We're trying one last spray outside called BioSpot. I've also read that salt will dry out the eggs, so I'm sprinkling salt on the rugs tonight and vacuuming it up tomorrow. Cody has talked to our neighbor and suggested a flea bath for his dog, he is an older man so he always says his grandaughters are going to do it when they come over...which never happens. I'm afraid I'm going to have to hop the fence and do it myself...


randa said...

Anna...it makes me so terribly happy that you have finally updated your blog! I am sorry to hear about the fleas. Maybe you can go bathe your neighbors dog for him... :)

Anna said...

haha...well, you inspired me by updating your blog!